Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No rest for the weary!

Salem has a double ear infection an has been very clingy. He is so sad when he gets put down and when you pick him up, he just just melts into you and sighs.

He is not sleeping well at night, either. Tree and I have been up a good deal of the night with him the past two nights holding him, taking his temp, and trying to convince him that it's OK and he should try to get some sleep.

Tree took him to the doctor yesterday and he got put on anti-biotics. Hopefully, he will get better quickly and we can get back to being spoiled with him sleeping solidly from 10:00 PM till 7:00 AM

If not, that's OK... I didn't want to sleep anyway!

1 comment:

  1. So keeley calls me at work...
    Mom, I think you should come home, something's wrong with Salem...
    me, starting to panic, trying not to...Ok what's wrong?
    He's covered from head to toe in red bumps...
    I come home, get things settled at home, drive little man to night-time peds... He's allergic to Penicillin...
    then i'm off to the pharmacy at 10 pm for Benedryl, Ibprofen, & and a new antibiotic..
