Thursday, December 24, 2009

Okay so it's been awhile....

Christmas time is a hard time to begin with, but when you have a baby unexpectedly and then have to spend 5 weeks commuting back & forth to the hospital..
then bring him home & have to stay home...
THEN.. wonder how you're going to get your christmas spirit on...
whew... the blog falls by the way side!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


This is what we should be looking at...
Due Date: 01/15/2010
Week: 35+2 days (gestation)
Month: 9
Trimester: 3
Fetus Age: 33 weeks

Instead we are looking at this...
Date: 12/13/09
Week: 5+5days
Month: 1month 8 days
Baby age: 38 days
weight: 2125grms 4lbs 11oz
feedings: 40mils (even though he typically takes 50)
Meds: trace amount of oxygen, caffeine, iron & zinc

Monday, December 7, 2009

little man is 1 month old!!!

one month old December 5th, 2009
4 pounds 3 ounces

Saturday, December 5, 2009

numbers, numbers, numbers....part due

let me recap...
1. all about his weight numbers
2. all about his bottle feeding numbers
3. Now it's all about the length numbers.
 how long, how many minutes, how long or fast a feeding is.
Salem needs to take 75% (more numbers) of his feeding in 30 minutes or less, at least 2 times (numbers) in a 24 hr period (did i mention numbers?) and consistantly gain weight (back to the weight numbers) to progress to the next level... 3 feedings a day.

Today: he took 27 mils in 30 minutes, little to no brady-cardia... so that's 1 of 2 (uhhh..numbers)
so here's hoping that later tonight he just as gung-ho and we can move this boy up!!!
BTW he weighs in at a whopping 4lbs 3ounces!

Friday, December 4, 2009

numbers, numbers, numbers...

first it was all about the numbers in pounds... how many grams did he gain yesterday, today...what will he gain tomorrow...
1221, 1276, 1323, 1386, 1442, 1477, 1523, 1559, 1701, 1723, 1786, 1814 (whew... 4 pounds!!!)

Now it's all about the numbers in bottles...
How many mils did he take yesterday, today, what does he need to eat tomorrow.....
10, 20, 18, 22, 27....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pack your Bags! (Almost)

Last night, Tree and I went to give Salem his second bottle of the day - yes, he is up to two bottles per day now. He was just bathed and weighed and came in at 4 pounds 1.3 ounces. What a fatty!

He still has some things to do before he gets to come home, but that was one of his last big milestones. The 4 lb mark was one we had been anxiously awaiting.

He took 18 ml of milk last night in his bottle and earlier in the day, Tree said he took 20 or something like that.

Tree said yesterday that he will probably have to come home with oxygen because he has been having a little trouble with his O2 saturation, but I am not convinced that will be the case. Maybe... But with all the prayers and with his iron will, I believe we will continue to see him surprise everyone with his progress.

So, we'll see.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just about there...

Well, as of last night, Salem was 1497 grams. That translates to 3 lbs, 15.25 oz. Less than an ounce to go before he is 4 pounds. That was one of the last things he has to accomplish before he can come home. Yay!

One of the other things he has to do is take all of his feedings manually (i.e. not through the tube that goes through his nose and right into his belly).

Yesterday we gave him his first bottle and he took it like a champ. He is up to 34 ml now per feeding and with his first bottle, he took 10 ml. Today, Tree went in and gave him his second bottle and he took 18 ml. This little kid is such a rock star. He can now - with the doc's approval - go to two bottles a day.

Keep your fingers and toes crossed, and keep on praying. It's working!

Here he is with his first bottle.

Here is one of Tree showing him what to do with his mouth.
(Hee hee)
