Monday, July 19, 2010

Get in my belly!

Salem has been growing like crazy. He laughs and smiles, and almost holds his own bottle. He almost rolls over without coaxing. He holds toys and loves to play. He has two teeth and looks like he is getting some more with all the drooling and gnawing on stuff.

He is also getting some hair. It's about time! He had more hair at birth than scout or Kage and then went on a hair growing strike. It is finally coming in now, but I have a theory that it is just him being rebellious. We had planned on dressing him up as Ang, from the Last Air-bender for Halloween because he was bald. Now we will have to shave his head!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

He's my baby-baby!!!

Little baby Salem...
Salem... Salemee?... We've been discussing what his nickname should/would be... we usually add an "e" or "y" on the end... or shorten it some how..
Salemee...Lem... Sal...

he has to date:
rolled over 6 times,
held his bottle twice,
blown 12 raspberries
eaten a total of 2 cheerios.
We are making progress.
Salem is 8 1/2 months old.. He still sleeps in a bassinet.. sideways even!!! (Scout was trying to climb out of her crib at the same age)