Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just about there...

Well, as of last night, Salem was 1497 grams. That translates to 3 lbs, 15.25 oz. Less than an ounce to go before he is 4 pounds. That was one of the last things he has to accomplish before he can come home. Yay!

One of the other things he has to do is take all of his feedings manually (i.e. not through the tube that goes through his nose and right into his belly).

Yesterday we gave him his first bottle and he took it like a champ. He is up to 34 ml now per feeding and with his first bottle, he took 10 ml. Today, Tree went in and gave him his second bottle and he took 18 ml. This little kid is such a rock star. He can now - with the doc's approval - go to two bottles a day.

Keep your fingers and toes crossed, and keep on praying. It's working!

Here he is with his first bottle.

Here is one of Tree showing him what to do with his mouth.
(Hee hee)


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