Saturday, December 5, 2009

numbers, numbers, numbers....part due

let me recap...
1. all about his weight numbers
2. all about his bottle feeding numbers
3. Now it's all about the length numbers.
 how long, how many minutes, how long or fast a feeding is.
Salem needs to take 75% (more numbers) of his feeding in 30 minutes or less, at least 2 times (numbers) in a 24 hr period (did i mention numbers?) and consistantly gain weight (back to the weight numbers) to progress to the next level... 3 feedings a day.

Today: he took 27 mils in 30 minutes, little to no brady-cardia... so that's 1 of 2 (uhhh..numbers)
so here's hoping that later tonight he just as gung-ho and we can move this boy up!!!
BTW he weighs in at a whopping 4lbs 3ounces!

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