Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving coming up

Well, Thanksgiving is about here. I'm excited for the food, family, and fun. It's going to be a great time.

We will of course have the traditional going around the table telling each other what we are thankful for. Some will have to think, some may say come back to me, or he just took mine... I already have my answer ready. I am thankful that God is taking such good care of this little baby boy.

He has had, is having, and will have his struggles, but most of all he is doing well. He continues to grow and progress and hopefully will be home in a while. Someone at the hospital said maybe by Christmas. We'll see.

Regardless of how difficult it is to make the trips down there (Tree is the one that this applies to), he is a blessing in our lives.

Thanks, God, for a priceless addition to our already priceless family.

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