Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tree's night

Now on to the important stuff - how Tree's night went.

They have her on a magnesium drip which is helping keep the contractions down, but it is also making her nauseous. They give her stuff for the nausea, and it gives her a splitting headache.

The contractions were as close as 5 minutes apart last night, so they adjusted her meds to bring it more under control and she is now doing better.

They are going to take her in for an ultrasound soon to check and make sure the baby is OK. As soon as they can fit her in.

They also have given her steroids to help thee development of the baby's lungs since he is so premature. Boys have a rougher time being premature and the lungs are usually one of the big concerns.

The doc says if we can keep everything under control for at least 48 hours, the steroids will have a great effect on preparing the baby to be healthy.

Tree is sleeping now.

More as we know.

Thanks for all your concern, prayers, etc.


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